
Some links for published projects and talks.

FAST: Fast Annotation Tool (EMNLP2021 Demo, Co-authored)

FAST: Fast Annotation Tool (EMNLP2021 Demo, Co-authored)

FAST is an experimental annotation tool that focuses on mobile devices. We conducted user survey with annotation tasks.

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Toward Verifiable and Reproducible Human Evaluation for Text-to-Image Generation (CVPR2023, Co-authored)

Toward Verifiable and Reproducible Human Evaluation for Text-to-Image Generation (CVPR2023, Co-authored)

Text-to-image generation is actually hard to evaluate. We showed that popular automatic metrics are often not correlated with human evaluation. We also proposed reliable manual evaluation protocol for text-to-image generation.

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GTC 2023 Japan AI Day: Triton Inference Server (Talk in Japanese)

GTC 2023 Japan AI Day: Triton Inference Server (Talk in Japanese)

Deploying and serving deep learning models focusing on performance is hard. Triton Inference Server is a great tool for deploying and serving deep learning models. I gave a talk about Triton Inference Server in GTC 2023 Japan AI Day.

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